Mobilra és asztali számítógépre kifejlesztett CEWE myPhotos applikációnk segítségével gyorsan és egyszerűen rendezheti össze az összes fotóját egy helyen, ahogyan csak szeretné. Például, miután készített egy fotót telefonjával vagy táblagépével, a képeket közvetlenül fel tudja tölteni a CEWE myPhotos szolgáltatásba. Emellett lehetősége nyílik események létrehozásával rendezni fotóit. Ha digitális fényképezőgépet használ, ezt a CEWE myPhotos webes applikációjával teheti meg. Természetesen ez vonatkozik a számítógépére már mentett összes fotóra és videóra is.
A projektek olyan CEWE fényképes termékek, amelyeket számítógépes/laptopos, mobilos, táblagépes szoftverünkkel vagy online tervez és rendel meg.
A projektjei tervezése során használja ki a CEWE myPhotos szolgáltatást, ahol minden fotóját és videóját központilag egy helyen tárolja. A CEWE myPhotos segítségével bármikor elmentheti projektjeit, hogy később befejezhesse a tervezést, vagy elmenthesse a kész terveket egy későbbi rendeléshez. Fontos: Egy projektet csak azon az alkalmazáson belül lehet megnyitni, amin eredetileg megtervezték. Például egy CEWE FOTÓVILÁG rendelőszoftverrel létrehozott projektet csak ezen a szoftveren keresztül lehet újra megnyitni. Ugyanez vonatkozik a mobilalkalmazással vagy online létrehozott projektekre is. (A CEWE FOTÓ appban elkezdett projektet viszont meg tudja nytni CEWE FOTÓVILÁG szoftverrel)
A CEWE myPhotos segítségével lehetősége van biztonságosan egy helyen tárolni az összes fotóját, videóját és projektjét, így bármikor áttekintheti, és elérheti mindenét.
Mindig teljes felbontásban tároljuk a fotóit, videóit és projektjeit. Emellett minden metaadatot (például a felvétel idejét) is tárolunk a fotóiról. A videók .mp4 formátumban kerülnek mentésre. További formátum információkat az alábbiakban találhat.
You can upload photos as .jpg, .tiff, .png and also in RAW format to your CEWE MYPHOTOS account. We currently store all your photos in .jpg format. If you save your photos on your computer, laptop or mobile device, you’ll always receive the original.
We save all videos in .mp4 format. In the event that you wish to save a video back onto your computer, this is done in the original format. You can upload a video in the following formats: .3g2, .3gp, .4xm, .a64, .amr, .anm, .asf, .ass, .avi, .avm2, .avs, .bink, .cavsvideo, .cdg, cdxl, .dirac, .dnxhd, .dv, .dv1394, .dvd, .dxa, .ffmetadata, .filmstrip, .flic, .flv, .gif, .gxf, .h261, .h263, .h264, .image2, .image2pipe, .ingenient, .ipod, .iv8, .ivf, .libdc1394, .lmlm4, .m4v, .matroska, .webm, .mjpeg, .mov, .mp4, .mpg, .mpeg, .mpeg1video, .mpeg2video, .mpegvideo, .mpjpeg, .mtv, .mvi, .mxf', .mxf_d10, .mxg, .nc, .null, .nut, .nuv, .pmp, .psp, .pva, .r3d, .rawvideo, .rl2, .rm, .roq, .rpl, .rso, .rtp, .rtsp, .smjpeg, .smk, .svcd, .thp, .truehd, .vc1, .vcd, .video4linux2, .vmd, .vob, .vqf, .wtv, .x11grab, .xmv, .yuv4mpegpipe
We support the following RAW formats:
Cameras with Digital Negative Format Support:
Further supported cameras:
We accept photos from all popular digital cameras up to a size of 100MB each.
CEWE MYPHOTOS offers you the ability to ‘review’ photos with stars, as well as adding descriptions.
In future we’re going to be considering facial recognition software, geo-tagging and let you select favourites to give you even more ways to find your photos quickly.
CEWE MYPHOTOS gives you the power to stay in complete control of your photos, videos & projects. Through the web app ( you can create albums in your account and control how they’re shared with a specially created link. You can assign an individual password to the link and also specify an expiry date. On mobile you can publicly share photos using the CEWE MYPHOTOS app. In future it’ll also be possible to share projects.
Editing photos is currently possible with the CEWE MYPHOTOS desktop software. In the CEWE MYPHOTOS mobile app you can use filters to edit your photos. Further editing functions will be added to both the mobile and web apps. No editing functions are currently planned for SMART-TV. Videos cannot be edited using CEWE MYPHOTOS.
CEWE MYPHOTOS stores all of your photos in Germany, in accordance with all German data protection regulations, in our own and CEWE-controlled data centres that are TÜV (Technical Inspection Association) certified. CEWE does not rely on any third-party storage service providers.
The transfer of your photos to CEWE MYPHOTOS is encrypted via https. This applies to both uploading and downloading photos or videos within CEWE MYPHOTOS.
Ordering photo products is possible via CEWE MYPHOTOS at your trading partner. We are constantly working to expand the entire CEWE photo product range.
In addition, we offer a very simple and convenient way to order products. So you can, for example select an event and receive an immediate product suggestion, e.g. a CEWE PHOTOBOOK or CEWE CALENDAR and if you wish you can place an order immediately. If you have rated your photos and videos in advance, the result will be even better.
If you’ve saved your photos with CEWE MYPHOTOS, then you can simply download them from your CEWE MYPHOTOS account using the CEWE MYPHOTOS smartphone app either for Android or iOS. Alternatively, you will still have access to all of your photos online via CEWE MYPHOTOS.
You don’t have to worry about a thing. We have specially developed apps for all operating systems and devices. So whether you’re using a computer or a smartphone, there’s an app to allow you to use and have fun with CEWE MYPHOTOS.
Yes. Once you’re connected to the internet, you can access all of your photos & videos that you’ve saved with CEWE MYPHOTOS, view them, show them to others, share them or even place an order. Simply use our specially developed apps for smartphones, tablets or computers and go online wherever you are.
CEWE MYPHOTOS can also be used offline on your smartphone or PC. That said, you won’t get all of the advantages of CEWE MYPHOTOS offline. However, our apps are still very useful for the local organisation, editing and evaluating of your photos.
We offer up to 10 GB of storage for free as long you log in at least once a year:
10 GB free as long you log in once a year 50 GB £13.99 year 100 GB £26.99 year 250 £62.99 year 500 GB £84.99 year
The use of our apps for smartphones, tablets and computers is free.
Your photos and videos from other archives can be centrally collected using CEWE MYPHOTOS where you can then organise, edit and evaluate them. You can change the dates on photos manually to arrange them into correct chronological order.
Once you’ve uploaded the photos from your smartphone to your CEWE MYPHOTOS account, your photos are safely stored online and you can delete them from your smartphone to free up space. Your device’s performance should improve and best of all, now you can take pictures again!
CEWE MYPHOTOS can be used anywhere, whether online or offline, no matter your device or operating system, whether they be smartphone, tablet or PC.
CEWE MYPHOTOS is offered in close co-operation with our trading partners. You can reach CEWE MYPHOTOS directly or via your trading partner.
Invite your friends, relatives and colleagues to upload their photos or videos to an album you all share. Save time and hassle by collecting all your photos of an event using the album sharing function: ‘Others may upload photos/videos.’
You can activate automatic upload in the settings on your mobile device. Photos uploaded automatically are uploaded into the ‘Automatic Upload’ directory by default. Choose whether your photos should always be saved into a folder, or split into daily, weekly or monthly event folders.