Use your familiar online banking data for the payment. The access data for online banking are entered exclusively in the secure payment form of SOFORT GmbH. Sensitive data (PIN and TAN) are neither stored at SOFORT GmbH, including Klarna, nor at the photo service. SOFORT GmbH has the TÜV seal "Tested data protection" and SOFORT Überweisung has the certificate "Tested payment system" from TÜV Saarland. Your online transfer takes place directly with the order.
Kreditná karta
Pri platbe kreditnou kartou sa vám zobrazí platobný formulár nášho certifikovaného poskytovateľa platobných služieb. Budete vyzvaný, aby ste zadali číslo kreditnej karty, dátum jej exspirácie a trojciferné overovacie číslo karty. Pomôcku na identifikáciu overovacieho čísla karty nájdete v platobnom formulári. Údaje kreditnej karty sú potrebné iba na spracovanie objednávky a služba Fotoservice ich neuchováva. Suma bude stiahnutá z vášho účtu pri expedícii objednávky.
The PayPal online payment service is displayed in a separate window (SSL-encrypted connection). You log in to your PayPal account with your e-mail address and password and confirm the payment. Your PayPal account will be debited during order processing. Open a PayPal account at: What is PayPal?
Pay conveniently by SEPA direct debit by entering your bank details. In the payment form, you will be asked to enter the IBAN and optionally your bank in addition to the account holder. This payment information is required exclusively for processing your order. You will be informed of the date of the direct debit by e-mail. Please note that additional costs will be incurred in the event of a return debit note.
When you select the payment methods Sofortüberweisung, credit card, PayPal and Paydirekt, an authentication process takes place in which you are redirected to the pages of your bank or payment service provider. A security check is carried out in the form of a 2-factor authentication.